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Zhong Guo zhang wo ya na-mi guang xue jia gong ji shu - Mao Clone 01-16 03:30 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

thai pm yingluck has turned her country into a huge rice warehouse - QQ 01-15 23:50 | 527 bytes | +1   Rate

China to shoot US anti-submarine plane P3 - .45 01-15 21:16 | 5384 bytes | link +1   Rate

Brahmins claim aryan kinship.German scientists say Indians are australoids - Mao Clone 01-15 10:05 | 3784 bytes | link +10   Rate

Mind boggling!Dothe average american knowWTF is DistributiveProperty of algebra? - Mao Clone 01-15 10:57 | 416 bytes | link +1   Rate
  • Do think so. [no text] - Predator 01-15 15:49 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Rotten turkey toppings on german PISA - Mao Clone 01-14 02:40 | 24.8 KB | link +2   Rate

Is rice a grossly over-priced food grain?It's less nutritious than soy and wheat - Mao Clone 01-14 01:43 | 434 bytes | link +17   Rate

US To Strike China’s Nuclear Weapons First In Asia-Pacific - q4 01-14 19:06 | 3953 bytes | link img +6   Rate

China has the most patent applications for graphene in the world. - Ny 01-15 04:11 | 190 bytes | link   Rate

Chinese company buys US helicopter manufacturer Enstrom. - Palembang 01-14 11:24 | 217 bytes | link +6   Rate

Check Out China's Amazing Unlicensed 'World Of Warcraft' Theme Park - cyber horse 01-14 17:16 | 976 bytes | link img +2   Rate

China requires Beidou technology on transport vehicles. - Palembang 01-14 13:50 | 153 bytes | link   Rate

Xianglong UAV looks pretty large - motif 01-14 07:09 | 83 bytes | img +1   Rate
  • I bet most of the body vol is for fuel. [no text] - Predator 01-14 08:34 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Sino japanese war will break out within this year imminently.. - .45 01-14 07:15 | 264 bytes |   Rate

A hindi state wants astrologers/witches to register.Does it mean recognition - Mao Clone 01-14 03:11 | 4082 bytes | link   Rate

BYD (Build Your Dreams) is an amazing Chinese company - Ny 01-13 22:04 | 213 bytes | link +3   Rate

China-brand smartphones take 70 percent of domestic market share - Ny 01-13 19:51 | 197 bytes | link +2   Rate

2033: A manned mission to Mars(estimated cost: US$ 1 trillion) - Mao Clone 01-13 09:14 | 1628 bytes | link +7   Rate

Informative piece on ======>> "McRib" - q4 01-11 22:40 | 7548 bytes | link +20   Rate

Is Obama nut? No Death Star for America! - Mao Clone 01-12 06:33 | 4757 bytes | link +9   Rate

PLA pix - motif 01-12 22:59 | 2257 bytes | link img +7   Rate

China Sends Out Fighters to Watch Japanese F-15s, Ministry Says - motif 01-12 18:45 | 2180 bytes | link +1   Rate

Turkey Delays F-35 Order Due to Lacking in Project - motif 01-12 21:02 | 2492 bytes | link   Rate

New CG video of joint Chinese Air Force & Navy fighter mission - PLAAF 01-12 15:54 | 52 bytes | +1   Rate

China To 'Prepare For The Worst' After Military Confrontation With Japan - klepdoe 01-12 14:04 | 12.1 KB | link   Rate

The shale revolution is shifting geopolitics. - Palembang 01-11 15:15 | 227 bytes | link +6   Rate

GASER - gfdsa 01-11 19:23 | 336 bytes | link +5   Rate

China's pessimistic 'Little Emperors' pose economic risk. - Palembang 01-11 12:14 | 261 bytes | link +12   Rate

World of Tanks anyone?? - Strangelove 01-11 23:36 | 184 bytes | img +1   Rate

Images of Harbin ice and snow festivals (both past and current ones) - Ny 01-12 01:23 | 617 bytes | link   Rate

16th Shenyang International Ice and Snow Festival - Ny 01-11 23:52 | 107 bytes | link   Rate

If at last the will of the gun fearing public will prevail, then look like the - anewman 01-11 18:14 | 483 bytes | img +6   Rate

Could WW-3 or GJ- I (Global Jehad I ) happen like this? - Mao Clone 01-11 00:37 | 2083 bytes | link +10   Rate

Billion-dollar US nuclear sub collides with fishing boat - klepdoe 01-11 13:06 | 3188 bytes | link   Rate

Wanda Group readies AMC cinemas for upgrades and refurbishing. - Palembang 01-11 11:36 | 159 bytes | link   Rate

Chinese military jets enter Diaoyu airspace - BBC 01-11 02:15 | 130 bytes | +3   Rate

Chinese contractors in Africa turn to investment. - Palembang 01-11 10:53 | 129 bytes | link   Rate

Japan's Trade with China falls first time in three years - skipper 01-11 09:07 | 2039 bytes |   Rate

How things have changed -- Russia '92 isle-return offer snubbed - skipper 01-11 09:06 | 2749 bytes |   Rate

I hope incoming President Xi Jinping will arrest local authorities for beatings - PLAAF 01-11 02:49 | 11.8 KB | link +1   Rate

Sr. Barrera is hereby banned for spamming - Grammar Police 01-11 01:18 | 43 bytes |   Rate

Morsi in Video Refers to America as 'Enemy' - skipper 01-10 13:19 | 5344 bytes | +1   Rate

Chinese enthusiasm for Area 52. - Palembang 01-10 15:26 | 151 bytes | link   Rate

China's first aircraft carrier and the food challenge. - Palembang 01-10 15:06 | 197 bytes | link   Rate

Indians Support Gender Equality But Still Give Men Edge in Workplace, Higher Edu - skipper 01-10 13:02 | 3872 bytes | link img +1   Rate

Luda class 107 being disassembled. - Palembang 01-10 10:02 | 185 bytes | link   Rate

Japan and China step up drone race as tension builds over disputed islands. - Palembang 01-10 09:53 | 157 bytes | link   Rate

Buddha was an inbreeder(He married a 1st cousin).Was Buddha a bad father? - Mao Clone 01-10 08:31 | 5421 bytes | link   Rate

Why Chinese tourists should avoid Greece at all cost - swoosh 01-09 22:55 | 37.7 KB | link +5   Rate

Taiwan aboriginal language "Kanakanabu" dying - PLAAF 01-09 03:01 | 23.3 KB | +6   Rate

Are u guys thinking what I'm thinking:Some crazy yanks want a subway 9/11 - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-09 22:43 | 605 bytes | link   Rate

India Cuts Defense Budget Big shock for a military trying to catch up with PRC - Fu MAnchu 01-09 07:12 | 11.3 KB | link +8   Rate

Japan has declared war on China already? Why nobody believes this??! - .45 01-09 20:34 | 7451 bytes | link   Rate

Report: Chinese Carrying Cash into North America - Ny 01-07 19:59 | 183 bytes | link +1   Rate
  • You understand you're repeating anti-Chinese propaganda? [no text] - -Corsair- 01-11 19:46 | 0 bytes |   Rate

New Chinese light tank? - Palembang 01-09 14:29 | 191 bytes | link +1   Rate

Made in China Ejection Seats - q4 01-09 15:28 | 3208 bytes |   Rate

China's Potential Anti-Satellite Test Sparks US Concern - Fu MAnchu 01-09 07:21 | 13.1 KB | link +1   Rate

Why Hagel Was Picked - could be new American Defense Secretary - cyber horse 01-09 06:25 | 5134 bytes |   Rate

Unmanned J-6 fighter jets put on Fujian air base - cyber horse 01-08 19:07 | 1271 bytes | +3   Rate

Changes and progress of China's military exercises in 2012. - Palembang 01-09 04:38 | 129 bytes | link   Rate

Chinese economy 'to overtake US by 2019' - PLAAF 01-09 03:18 | 8596 bytes | link   Rate

Is this the proper way to write Allah in english? Allah = The LAH or The LA? - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-09 02:00 | 395 bytes | link   Rate

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration - skipper 01-08 11:29 | 3381 bytes | +2   Rate

China's Chang'e lunar missions - motif 01-08 06:20 | 3976 bytes | link img +4   Rate

"worse job to have." The guy complained. Maybe Kham can take over his job. - GreenMonk108 01-08 18:40 | 68 bytes | +1   Rate
  • Oh my God!How lucky he is.I'll be so dedicated & happiest man on earth [no text] - khammani 01-08 19:16 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Chinese Man Pleads Guilty in Copyright Violation Case - swoosh 01-08 17:47 | 10.2 KB | link   Rate

Japan Summons China’s Envoy in Latest Escalation of Tension - cyber horse 01-08 17:47 | 3950 bytes |   Rate

Legal Daily report on mass incidents in China in 2012 - rolf 01-08 17:08 | 7804 bytes |   Rate

China's railway safety record: A comparative study. - Palembang 01-08 10:27 | 203 bytes | link +1   Rate

A foreigner leaves China. - Palembang 01-08 12:47 | 173 bytes | link   Rate

Fareed Zakaria's pal Ruchir Sharma exposed. BRIC is dead. Only China successful. - Tommy 01-08 04:43 | 151 bytes | link +12   Rate

Lenovo launches Horizon Table PC. - Palembang 01-08 09:47 | 153 bytes | link +1   Rate

wonder which country will be the first Xi Jinping's state visit? [no text] - swoosh 01-08 00:17 | 0 bytes | +1   Rate

Can the learned tell me WTF is New World Order besides anti-jew conspiracy - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-08 01:15 | 1129 bytes | link +3   Rate

Chuck Hagel looks ready to work with China - Ny 01-07 23:36 | 139 bytes | link   Rate

China Digital Times is busy these days - rolf 01-07 17:01 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

China's increasing military production ability. - Palembang 01-07 11:45 | 149 bytes | link   Rate

China's air force trains to surge. - Palembang 01-07 11:42 | 175 bytes | link   Rate

Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads - q4 01-07 08:34 | 30.0 KB | link   Rate

Ireland back in the green (renewable energy) - skipper 01-07 08:07 | 4335 bytes |   Rate

Abe Seen Spending 12 Trillion Yen to Boost Japan’s Economy - skipper 01-07 07:33 | 2991 bytes |   Rate

China to Boost Urban Transport as City Congestion Worsens - skipper 01-07 06:33 | 4826 bytes |   Rate

Comrade mod,could u upload this pic to the avatars list? - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-07 01:54 | 348 bytes | img +5   Rate

China: end of labor camps - PLAAF 01-07 02:00 | 10.8 KB |   Rate

Chinese exports in helicopters and ships. - Palembang 01-06 19:52 | 183 bytes | link   Rate

China starts construction of huge nuclear plant in Shandong. - Palembang 01-06 13:49 | 204 bytes | link +3   Rate

Chinese Navy Ships visits Saudi Arabia - mike649 01-06 10:18 | 1603 bytes | img +2   Rate

J-20 beautiful - zheng3pao 01-06 14:17 | 911 bytes | img +1   Rate

A brief history of Chinese laser-guided bombs. - Palembang 01-04 11:40 | 197 bytes | link +3   Rate

Looks very nice - q4 01-06 09:42 | 153 bytes | +1   Rate
  • It is a sexy machine. It looks more stealthy than others. [no text] - matteroffact 01-06 11:05 | 0 bytes |   Rate

The New Shape of China’s Economy - skipper 01-06 08:19 | 4821 bytes |   Rate

Indian Mars mission now 14.9kg, down from pathetic 25kg - Master Debater 01-06 03:39 | 89 bytes | +6   Rate

NYT - Another Attempt to Deny Japan's History - motif 01-06 06:19 | 2527 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Northern countries China, Europe, US face heavy snow. -40 degrees in China. - Tommy 01-06 04:17 | 2373 bytes |   Rate

The growing Sino-America co-dependency on food - -Corsair- 01-06 00:40 | 104 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Burma bombs Chinese side of the border - PLAAF 01-05 23:01 | 12.5 KB | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

China is developing four types of turbofan engines for Y-20 - mike649 01-05 19:56 | 1047 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

jiang zemin went to temple - Predator 01-05 17:46 | 190 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Heavy Lift Transport Aircraft Y-20 Specifications: - mike649 01-05 20:24 | 313 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Komrades,what should PRC's strategy be after the yanks get the f**k out of afgan - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-05 09:55 | 7943 bytes | >> collapsed << link +8   Rate

Will China Launch an Anti-Satellite Test Soon? - T 01-04 23:33 | 15.3 KB | link +17   Rate

Must watch if you drive a vehicle that is made before 2012 - q4 01-05 07:07 | 1686 bytes | link   Rate

News about N.K(Video in Chinese) - q4 01-05 06:11 | 160 bytes |   Rate

Chinese lessons for America - swoosh 01-04 21:14 | 13.9 KB | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

Chinese FDI in Ethiopia: 69 enterprises - skipper 01-04 23:46 | 99 bytes |   Rate

Did they use chemical weapon in air strike against rebels? - motif 01-04 21:12 | 1486 bytes | link   Rate

General Zhang of the third artillery, Zheng3pao's boss - motif 01-04 20:06 | 82 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

Hey Chairman Mao, I've always thought that no fag in Allah's land but m wrong - khammani 01-04 19:11 | 201 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +4   Rate

Another Chinese company does well in the US. - Palembang 01-04 15:47 | 159 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China generates more electricity from clean energy - skipper 01-04 10:09 | 1352 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Y-20 at Yanliang on Dec. 25. Photo: GeoEye IKONOS - mike649 01-04 18:37 | 267 bytes | link img   Rate

The disturbing hitler cult among Indonesian untermensch - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-04 07:55 | 6562 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

<1%of hindi Education grads pass tests.It's pathetic way beyond low IQ&PISA rank - ChairmanMaoHamet 01-03 21:19 | 874 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Is Bollywood training Indians to rape? - mtm 01-02 05:07 | 11.4 KB | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

A perfect ps of new age cultic speculation:3 planets over the pyramids - Dalai BinShaitan 01-01 16:51 | 896 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +2   Rate

InterestingNew GPS Alternative? - Navigation via Signals of Opportunity(NAVSOP). - edl 01-01 09:04 | 1184 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

[ ~xxx ~ NO GAY Please, we Chinese, moderator expects co-operation ~ xxx~] - InTheNameOfJesus 12-30 00:40 | 666 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

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